Aristea Arsenopoulou | Drama-therapy Workshop | 6-7.12.14
The Body and the Mirrors -Dramatherapy workshop with Aristea Arsenopoulou
6 December | 15.00-20.00
7 December | 12.00-17.00
Aristea Arsenopoulou is a psychologist and dramatherapist and has been working for twenty-five years with individuals and with groups of adults, kids and teenagers. She has alsoworked with autistic kids and teenagers. She has participated in international drama-therapy workshops and has taught the method of drama therapy to mental health students and professionals, actors and educators.
Drama therapy is an holistic therapeutic approach, addressing the 'whole' of human existence -Body, Soul and Spirit. As a psychotherapeutic process it reclaims the dramaturgical potential of the self to investigate its own needs. We use movement, stories and myths, painting and role playing in order to uncover the magic of human dynamics.
for more info and registrations, contact us!